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Initial Appointment


For new patients, this 1.5 - 2 hour appointment allows us to thoroughly address the primary concerns, go through family history, physical exam, review any lab testing, and decide on a treatment plan.  The fee is $325.  

Follow Up Appointments


For established patients, this 1 hour appointment allows us to review how things are progressing, do any treatment needed, and revise a new treatment plan.  The fee is $170.   

Additional time over the 1 hour at follow up appointments will be prorated at $170 per hour.  

Family Constellation Therapy


Family Constellation Therapy

—Individual session, 1.5 hours, the fee is $200. 

—Small group session, a series of 4 sessions, once a week for 4 weeks in a row, the fee is $240. 

—Open group sessions, held once a month and open to anyone who wants to participate in a family constellation group.  For focus clients the fee is $200.  For Representatives the fee is $25.  

Cranial Sacral, Visceral Manipulation, and Tuning Fork Sessions

Single session, 1 hour, the fee is $170.  


Cold Laser Treatments

Series of 4 treatments, 15 minutes each, the fee is $170.


My Virtual Dispensary at

Doctors Supplement Store


Here is a link to my virtual dispensary at Doctors Supplement Store.   If you are a patient working with me, go to the site and set up your account, use the physician code RD805, and proceed to order.  This is a service for established patients and not a public store.   

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